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Moore Lab News 

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The Academy of arts and sciences has  elected
Dr. Moore into their distinguished Academy 

Lab alum Xiaomo Chen accepts new position at UC Davis

Joining the Department of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior as an Assistant Professor

Xiaomo Chen awarded NIH Pathway to  independence grant

For studying the interacting neural mechanisms of selective visual attention and value-based decision-making. 

lab alum  Sebastian Weingartner accepts faculty offer at Delft University of Technology

We are excited to see what his new lab produces!

lab alum  

Nir Nissim Heads his own lab

Dr. Nir Nissim is the Head, Founder and PI of the Malware Lab at BGU's Cyber Security Research Center.

Tirin Moore is inducted into the National Academy of Medicine

Sebastian Weingärtne's 

paper on online spike recovery is an NER 2019 Best Paper Award Finalist

lab alum Nick Steinmetz begins faculty position at University of Washington

We are excited to see what his new lab produces!

Lab alumni Tania Engel begins faculty position at Cold Spring Harbor 

Becket Ebitz's paper is the cover of JNeuroscience 

HHMI approves development of primate Neuropixel probes 

Lab Manager Stephen Cital is primary editor for new book 

published by Springer nature

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